Decline Dumbbell Bench Press


Gym Equipment Needed

Musle Group



Perform the Decline Dumbbell Bench Press with the Dumbbells of appropriate weight and Decline bench

Starting Position

Set up a decline bench at a decline angle of approximately 20-30 degrees and Sit on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand, positioned at the sides of your chest.

  1. Set up a decline bench at a decline angle of approximately 20-30 degrees.
  2. Sit on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand, positioned at the sides of your chest.
  3. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and engage your core for stability.
  4. Press the dumbbells upward, extending your arms fully while keeping them parallel to the ground.
  5. Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position, maintaining control and a slight bend in your elbows.
  6. Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Targeted muscle group:

  • Lower chest (Pectoralis major)
  • Triceps (to a lesser extent)

Tips on doing this exercise
  1. Maintain a controlled and stable movement throughout the exercise.
  2. Focus on squeezing your lower chest muscles as you press the dumbbells upward.
  3. Use a weight that allows you to maintain proper form and range of motion.

Common Mistakes
  1. Using excessive weight that compromises your form and puts unnecessary stress on your shoulder joints.
  2. Arching your back excessively; maintain a stable and flat position throughout the exercise.
  3. Allowing your elbows to flare out excessively; keep them slightly tucked to engage your lower chest effectively.

Recommended Ranges
  • Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth): Aim for 8-12 repetitions per set, 3-4 sets.
  • Strength Development: Aim for 4-6 repetitions per set, 3-4 sets.

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